Chill Mood Living

Escape Reality

Whenever you close your eyes, there’s always some place that takes you away from the world. Whether it is a faraway land, another planet, a magical paradise or even the beat of your favorite song, it brings you peace, happiness and a new excitement of the unknown that’s fostered by our imagination. You find comfort in knowing that it allows you to escape reality, even if it’s only temporary. Life gets very chaotic, so any chance to get away from it all brings you a sense of relief and moments of joy, relaxation and rejuvenation.

One of the most fascinating gifts in this world is music. Music is truly beautiful in not only its composition, but it in the meaning it can have in one’s life. When you hear yourself favorite song, no matter what you may be doing, it stops you in the moment and triggers your love for its lyrics and its sound or for the memory it enables you to recall of something or someone special. Music has the ability to express your emotions when you can’t find the words yourself or to be your therapy when you need most. Music has this incredible power to make us dance; it inspires us to tell a story with our bodies. Music can make a scene in a movie more intense. The words of a song could make a dance between two people more intimate. Music can be played to honor a fallen hero or a beloved that has passed away. Music is something we share, but it’s also something special to each and every one of us.

When you’re stressed from a busy work day, dwelling on the pain of a recent heartbreak, in need of upbeat songs to motivate you through a workout or you’re bored on any given night, music carries you through this life. When you focus on the music you hear, you begin to imagine, to feel things deep inside you and to just be in that moment. No matter what is going on in your life, music can let you escape to a fantasy world where only you and the beat exist. You can listen to the lyrics or enjoy the melody, you can even sing along, but it’s only you and that artist that share something special…for a few moments, you relate to someone you never met, but someone that produced something that touches your heart and soul. Music brings meaning to the world and everyone in it. Music is one of the only aspects of our lives that captures our attention, evokes our emotions and brings a different experience each and every time… all you have to do is hit play.

Chill Mood

World infused electronic music
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